Monday, October 1, 2018

Stoic Journal 7

Been sick. Get the same illness around the same time every year. During my time on my back I have been watching a lot of the super hero show Arrow. Super hero writing does a lot of good thinking about moral quandaries. How there are consequences to every choice we make. It's also good for challenging prejudices. Mine as an anarchist is towards law enforcement. I don't care for the police. I see them as the enforcement arm of the ruling class and the overwhelming evidence since we came into the digital age has born that out. But some of these men and women truly believe in what they do. There is evil in this world. People who hurt others out of cruelty and greed. But all to often it is the people who are meant to protect people from these evils who are instead perpetrating them. Vigilantism seems a tempting answer but they have even less accountability to the people than police. This quandary baffles me. The best "on paper" answer is community defense organizations but in the real world how effective could they be with laws written as they are? An elected police force such as a county sheriff also seems a good answer until one considers the atrocities committed by the Morton County Sheriffs at Standing Rock, or the laws written to hurt the poor and minorities that are then enforced by even an elected constabulary.
As I said it's a quandary.
I don't know the answer.